Dr. Rebecca Martinez is passionate about working with neurodivergent adults and those with autistic traits. She is especially committed to helping people who were misdiagnosed or missed altogether as children. Dr. Martinez is a tenured faculty member at a large research institution in the Midwest, where she has taught many graduate courses, including diagnostic assessment and intervention. She has supervised the clinical work for students earning master's and doctoral degrees in counseling. 

She considers having a foot in the door in the medical community (i.e., she can diagnose) and the autism community a unique asset. She respects individuals' identities as neurodivergent (with or without a diagnosis) but also can provide adult autism evaluations for individuals who want confirmation. 

In addition to being a licensed psychologist, Dr. Martinez has authority to practice in most states nationwide. Dr. Martinez is very familiar with the DSM-5-TR™ (the psychology field’s diagnostic manual), skilled in identifying the adult presentation of autism without an intellectual disability, and is appropriately credentialed to provide clinical diagnoses.

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